Co-ordination  -  The Essence Of Managements

this is coordination

you have understood by now that a manager has to perform five interrelated function in the process of managing an organization which really is the system made-up of different interlinked end interdependent subsystems. A manager has to link these divers group tomorrow the achievement of a common goal. The process by which a manager synchronize the activity of different department is known as coordination coordination is the force that binds all the other function of management. It's is the common trade that runs through all activities such as purchase, production, sale, and finance to Israel continuously in the working  the organization. Coordination is sometime considered a separate function of management. It is however, the essence off management,
for achieving harmony among individual efforts to toward the accomplishment of group go
als. Eat managerial Clemson is an exercise contributing individually to coordination. Coordination is implicit and inherent in old function of an organization. The process of coordinating the activities of an organization being at the planning stage itself. Top management plan for the entire organization. According to these plan the organizational structure is development and staff . In order to ensure that these plans are executed according to plan directing is required. Any discrepancies between actual and realized activity are then taken care of at the stage of controlling. It is through the process of coordination get a manager inside the orderly arrangement of individual and group effort to ensure unity off exit in the realization of common objectives. Coordination therefore involves synchronisation of the different action or effort of the various units of an organization. This provide the requisite amount, quality, timing and sequence of effort which is where that plant objectives are achieved with a minimum of conflict . 

Characteristics of Coordination:

the definition given above highlight the following future of coordination:

1. Coordination integrate group efforts: coordination unifies unrelated for divers interests into purposeful for activity. It gives a common focus to group effort to ensure that  performance is as it was planned  and scheduled.

2. Coordination insular unity of action: the purpose of coordination is to ensure unity of action in the realization of a common purpose. It acts as the building force between department and ensure that all action is aimed at achievement the goals of the organization. At Namchi designer candles, the production and sales department have to coordinate their work, so that production takes place according to the demand in the market.

 3. Coordination is a continuous process: coordination is not a one time function but a continuous process. It begins at the planning stage and continuous till controlling. Samita plans hair Diwali collection in the month of June itself. She has do then ensure that there is adequate workforce and continuously monitor whether production is proceeding so many according to plan. Her marketing department also has to be briefed in time to prepare their promotional and advertisement campaigns.

4. Coordination is all pervasive function: coordination is required at all level of management due to the independent nature of activities of various department. It integrate the effort of different departments and different level. The purchase, production and sale department's effort have to be coordinated by Samita for achieving organizational objectives harmoniously. the purchase department is responsibility of proceeding fab
ric. This then becomes the basic of the activities of the production department and finally sale can take place. If fabric purchased is of an inferior quality or is not according to the specifications of the production department, further sale will also decline. In the add sales off coordination there is over loping and chaos instead both harmony and integration of activities.

5. Pollination is the responsibility of all managers: coordination is the function of every manager in the coordination. Top level managers need to coordination with their subordinate who is your dad the overall policies for the organization are duly carried out. Middle level management coordination with both the top level and first line manager. Operational level management coordination the activities of its worker to ensure that work proceed according to plan.

6. Coordination is a deliberate function: A manager has to coordination the effort of different people in a conscious and deliberate manager. Even where numbers of a department willingly cooperate and work, coordination give a direction to that willing spirit. Cooperation in the absence of a coordination may lead to wasted effort and coordination without cooperation may lead to this dissatisfaction among employees.

Coordination, therefore, is not a separate function of management, organization to effectively and efficiently achieve its objective coordination is required. Like a dead in Garland, coordination is a part of all management function. 

Importance of Coordination

coordination is important as it integrates the effort of individuals department and specific. The primary reason for coordination is the department and individual in the organizational are interdependent example they depend on each other for information and resources two performs their respective activities. thus, manager need to reconcile difference in approach, timing, effort or interest. At the same time, there is a need to harmonies individual goal and organizational goals.

1. Growth in size: As legalization will grow in size, the number of people employed by the organizational also increased. At time, it may become difficult to integrate their effort and activities. All individual differ in there habits of work, background, approach to situation and relationship with others. It became necessary to ensure that all individual work toward the common goal of the organization. But employees may have their down in the visual goal also. Therefore, for organizational efficiency, 80 importance
e to harmonize individual goal and organizational goal through coordination.

2. Functional differentiation: function of an organization are divided into departments, division and Section. In an organization there may be separate departments of finance, production, marketing or human resources. All these departments may have their down objective, policies and they're down style of working. For example, the marketing department's objective may be to increase sales by 10% by offering discount. But, the finance department may not approve of such discounts as it mean loss of revenue. These kind of conflict raise in organization because each unit department is performing activities in isolation from other the barriers between department are becoming more rigid. However, all department and individual are interdependent and they have to depend on each other for information to perform their activities. The activities of each department need to be focused on attainment of common organizational goal. The process of linking the activities of various department is accomplished by coordination.

3. Specialization: modern organization are characteristics buy a high degree of specialization. Specialization arises out of the complexities four modern technology and the diversity of tasks to be performed. Organization, therefore, need to employ a number of specialized. Specialized usually think that they only are qualified to evaluate, judge and decide accor
ding to their professional criteria. They do not take advice or suggestion from other in matter pertaining do their area of specialization. This often leads to conflict amongst different specialization as well as other in the organization. Therefore, some coordination is required by and reconcile the difference in approach, interest or opinion of the specialists.