Labelling refer to the process of preparing a label. A label is a slip which is fund on the product itself or on the package providing all the information regarding the product and its product. This can either be in the form cover or a seal. For example, the name if medicine on its bottle along with the manufacture's name, the formula use foe making the medicine, date of manufacturing expire date, batch no. price etc. are printed on the ship thereby giving all the information regarding the medicine to the consumer.


label are of three kinds as discussed under :

1.brand label: Such a label which has only the brand name of the product is know as brand label. There is no other information of the product on the label except its brand name.


2.grade label: grade label highlight the quality or grade of the product. For example, jai Engineering Work ltd. kolkata manufactures fans under the brand name of USHA which are of various types on the basis of quality. On this very basis they have the label of DELUXE, PRIME or CONTINENTAL. such a types of label is know as grade label. 

3.descriptive label: descriptive label provide complete information regarding the product, such as:

(a)ingredients of the product, (B) The method to use the product,(C) The various uses of the product, (D) bare to be taken while using the product, (E) name of the manufacturer, (F) Date of manufacturing, (G) Batch no. etc.

descriptive label is often used b medicine companies. 

is labelling compulsory :

Generally, the product is at liberty to use a label or and to choose the kind of label. But it has made been compulsory by the Government to use for same  product. Besides this, the description of label has also been fixed. For it is mandatory to use the label along with its stipulate informed on medicines and process Food similarly, the product which are injurious to health must must carry the statutory warning regarding its use. Such as the packets of the  cigarette and pan masala have always the inscription injurious to health '.


The various function performed by labelling are as follows:

1. describe the product and specify its contents: A label provide complete information regarding of the product, its usage, caution in use, care to be taken while using it, date of manufacturing, batch numbers, etc. 

2. identification of the product or brand: its is easier to identify a particular product among many with the help of labelling. For example, you as a consumer want to select CINTHOL SOAP. The task of finding the desired soap from a heap a various branded soaps becomes easier with the help of labelling.

3.grading of product: When a product has different qualities, labeling helps to find out which pack contain what types of quality. For example, Hindustan Unilever ltd. manufactures three types of tea and to differentiate the each types of tea , the company uses Green, Red and Yellow colored labels. 

4.help in promotion of product : The fourth function of labelling is to promote sale. Something a consumer gets encouraged to buy a product simple due to attractive label. Nowadays labelling is using as an effective sale s promoting tools. 

5. providing information required by law: Another important function performed by labelling is to provide statutory warning required by law. To put smoking is injurious to health on the package of cigarette and 'Chewing tobacco is injurious to health' on the package of pan masala are the example of statutory warning. Similarly, in case of hazardous or poisonous products, appropriate statutory warning need to be put on the label.