An order to achieve desired exchange outcome with target markets, it is important to decide what philosophy or thinking should guide the marketing effort of an organization. And understanding of the philosophy or the concept of be adopted in impotent add it determined the emphasis or the weightage to be but on different facts, in achieving the organizational object. For example whether the marketing effort of an organizational will focus own the product say designing its features actor or on sailing techniques or an customers need all the social concerns.

The concept or philosophy of marketing has evolved over the period of time, and is discussed as follows.

The production concept:

during the earlier of industrial evolution, the demand of industrial goods started packing up but the number of producers were limited. Add end result, the demand exceeded the supply. Selling was no problem. Anybody who could produce the goods was able to sell. The focus of business activities was, their full, on production of goods. It was believed that profits could be maximized bye producing at large scale, thereby reducing the average cost of production. It was also assumed that consumer would favor does product which where widely available at affordable price. thus, availability and affordability off the product were considered to be the key to the success of the firm. Therefore, target emphasis was placed on improving the production a

nd distribution efficiency of the firm.

the product concept: 

add a result of emphasis on production capacity during the earlier day, the position of supply increased over period of time. More availability and low price of the products could not ensure increased sales and as such the survival and growth of the firm. thus, with the increase in the supply of the products, customer started looking for product which were superior in quality, performance and future. Therefore, the emphasis of the firm shifted from quantity of production of quality off product. The focus of business activity change to bringing continuous improvement in the quality, incorporating new feature, act. thus, product improvement because the key to profit maximization of a firm, under the concept of product orientation.

the selling concept:

with the passage of time, the marketing bye environment under want feature change. The increase in the scale of business further improved the position with respect to supply of goods, resulting in increased competition among sellers. The product quality end availability did not ensure the survival and growth of firm because of the large number of sellers selling quality product. This lead to greater improve impotence two attracting weather persuading customers to buy the product. W's philosophy changed. It was assumed that the customers would note buy, or note buy enough Kumar unless they are adequately convinced and motivated to do so. Therefore, for must undertake aggressive selling and promotional effort to make customer buy their product. The use promotional techniques such as advertising, personal selling and sales promotion were considered essential selling of products. thus, the focus on business form publishing the sale of product through aggressive selling techniques with a view to persuade maybe, lure or coax the buyers to buy the products. Making sale through an e-mail become important. It was assumed that buyers can be manipulated but what was forgotten watch that in the long run that matter most is the customer certification, rather than anything else.

the marketing concept :

marketing orientation in implies dad focus on certification of customers need is the key to the success of any organization in the market. It assume that in the long run an organization can achieve its objective of maximization of profit by identifying the need of its present and prospective buyers and satifying then in an effective way. All the decision in the firm are taken from the point of view of the customers. In other words, customers satisfaction become the focal point of the all decision making in the organizational. For examples, what product will be produced, with that feature and at that price sell it be sold, or where shall it be made available for sale will depend on what do the customer want. If the customer want future like double door in a refrigeration Ora separate provision for water cooler in it, the organizational would produces the refrigeration with these future, would provide it at a level which the customers are willing to pay and so on. If all marketing decision are taken with the prospective, selling will not any problem. It will automatically follow. The basic role of a firm then it's so identify a need and fill it. The concept implies debt product ad service or bought note merely because of their quality, packaging all brand name, but because they certify a specific need a customers. A prerequisite for the success of any organizational, therefore, easy to understand and respond to customer need. 

the societal marketing concept :

the marketing concept, edge described in the proceeding section can not be considered as adequate if we look at the challenges posed by social problem like environmental population, deforestation, shortage of resources, population explosion and inflation. It is so because any activity which certified human need but is the detrimental do the interest of the society at large can not be justified. The businessman orientation should should therefore, not be sort sighted to save any customers need. It should also consider large issue of long term society welfare, as illustration above.

the societal marketing concept hold that the task of any organization is to identify the need and wants of the target market and deliver the desert certification in an effective and efficient manner so that the long-term well-being of the customer and the society is taken care of does. The societal marketing concept.