


One of the most important developments affecting the business world in recent years has been in the area of packaging. Many products, which we thought could never land themselves to packaging because of their nature have been successfully packed e.g., pulses, Ghee , milk, salt, cold drink , etc. Packaging refer to the act of designing and producing the container or wrapper of a product. Packaging plays a very important role in the marketing success or failure of many product, particularly the consumer non- durable product.IN fact it one makes an analysis of the reasons for the success of same of the  successful product in the recent past, it can be noted that packaging has played its due role. For example, it was one of the important factors in the success of product like Maggie's noodles, uncle chips or Crax wafers. 


there can be three different levels of packaging. There are as below:


It refer to the product's immediate container. in same cases, the primary package is kept till the consumer is ready to use the product (e.g., plastic packet for socks); whereas in other cases, it is kept throughout the entire life of the product (e.g., a toothpaste tube, a match box, etc.).


It refer to additional layers of production that are kept till the product consumer is ready for use. e.g., a tube of shaving creams usually comes in a card board box. When consumers start using the shaving creams they will dispose of  the box but primary tube. 


It refer to further packaging components necessary for storage, identification or transportation. For example , a toothpaste manufacture may send the goods to retailers in corrugated boxes container 10,20,or 100 units.


packaging has acquired great significance in the marketing of goods and services, because of following reason:

A. Rising standards of health and sanitation : Because of the increasing standards living in the country, more and more people have started purchasing packed goods as the chance of adulteration in such goods are minimised. 

B. self service Outlets: the self-service retailer outlets are becoming very popular , particular in major cities and towns, Because of this same of the traditional role assigned to personal selling in respect of promotion has gone to packaging.

C. Innovational Opportunity :Same of the recent development in the area of packaging have completely changed the marketing scene in the country. For example, milk can now be stored for 4-5 day without refrigeration in the recently development packaging materials. similarly in the area of pharmaceuticals, soft drinks, etc., lots of  new innovations have come in respect of packaging. As a result, scope for the marketing of such products has increased. 

D. product differentiation : packaging is one of the very important means of creating product differentiation. The colour, size, material, etc., of package makes real difference in the perception of customer about the quality of the product. For example by looking at the package of a product say paint or hair Oil, one can make some guess about quality of the product contained in it. 


 As started above, packaging performs a number of function in the marketing of good. Some of the important functions are as following :

A. product identification : packaging greatly helps in identification of the products. For example, Colgate in red colour, or ponds creams jar can be easily  identified by its package.

B. product protection :  packaging protects the content of a product from spoilage, breakage, leakage, pilferage, damage, climatic effect, etc. This kind of production is required during and transportation of the product.

C. facilitating use of the product: the size and shape of the package should be such that it should be convenient to open, handle and use for the consumer. cosmetics, medicines and tubes of toothpaste are good example of this.

D. product promotion : packaging is also used for promotion. A startling colour scheme, photograph or typeface may be used to attract attention of the people at the point of purchase. Something it may work even better then advertising. In packaging because all the more important.
