WHAT IS BRANDING: On the the most importance that a marketer has to take in the area of product is in respect of branding. He has to decide whether the firm's product will be marketed under a brand name or a generic name. Genetic refer to the name of whole class of the product. For example a book a wristwatch, types, camera toilet soap, etc. We know that camera is a lens surrounded by plastic or steel from all sides and having certain other feature such as a flash gun and so on similarly book is a brand of paper, which are in a bound form, on which same useful information about a subject is printed. Thus, all product having these characteristics would be called by the genetic name such as camera or books. If products were sold by genetic name. it would be very difficult for the marketer to distinguish their product from that of their competitors . thus most marketers give a name to their product , which help in identifying and distinguishing their product from the competitor product. This process of giving the name or a sign or a symbol. The various terms relating to branding are as following. 


1.brand: A branding is a name, term, sign, symbol, design or some combination of them, used to identify the products good and service of one sellers or group of seller and to differentiate them  from those of the competitor. For example some to the common brand are Bata, Lifebuoy, Dunlop, and Parker. Brand is a comprehensive term, which has two components-- brand name and brand name. 

2. brand name: That part of a brand which can be spoken is called a brand name. In other words, brand name is the verbal components of a brand.

3. brand mark:  That part of a brand which can be recogzised but which is not utterable is called brand mark. It appears in the formed a symbol, design, distinct  colour scheme or lettering.
4. trade mark : A brand or part of a brand that is given legal protection is called trademark. The protection is given against its use by other firms. Thus the firm, which got its brand registered, get the exclusive. its use. in the case no ither firm can use such name or mark  in the country. Though branding adds to the cost. e.g. to the cost of branding, packaging , labeling , legal protection,  the promotion, it provide several advantages to the seller as well as the consumer. 


 choosing the right brand name is not an easy decision. What makes this decision important is the fact that once a brand name is chosen and the product is launched in the market, changing the brand name is very difficult. So getting it right the first time is very essential. 
Following are some of the consideration which should be kept in mind while choosing a brand name.

1.he brand name should be short, easy to pronounce, spell recognize and remember example ponds, VIM, RIN, etc.
2. A brand should suggest the products benefit and qualities it should be appropriate rights to the products function 

3. A brand name should be distinctive 

4. the brand name should be adaptable to packing or labeling requirements, to different advertising media and to different languages.

5. the brand name should be sufficiently versatile to accommodate new product, which are added to the product line.

6. its should be capable of being registered and protective legally.

7. chosen name should have staying power i.e., its should not get out of date.